标题: SEASON:A letter to the future (2023)
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SEASON:A letter to the future (2023)


Spencer Doran - SEASON : A letter to the future
(Original Soundtrack)

Released: 2023.05.05
Website: https://igetrvng.com/products/sp ... riginal-soundtrack/
Listen: https://visiblecloaks.bandcamp.com/album/season-a-letter-to-the-future-original-soundtrack

Season: A Letter to the Future is a 2023 adventure game developed and published by Scavengers Studio. The player controls a young woman from a small village documenting the world as it comes to an end. The game was released in January 2023 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Windows.

《SEASON: A letter to the future》的原聲帶由 Spencer Doran 作曲。


01. Title Screen
02. Estelle?s House
03. ?We all rested together until it got dark??
04. Village Sleep Music Instrument
05. Caro Village
06. Mountain Air Instrument
07. The Road Out of Caro
08. Cycling in the Rain
09. Lulkanto Op. 34 (Music Box)
10. Tieng, Through the Mist
11. Tieng Winds
12. Wind Harp
13. Cemetery
14. Sophon?s Lament
15. Morning Song - Azen Islands (Radio)
16. De belles choses vues à travers une vitre sale (Radio)
17. Matyora?s Song
18. Mom (Dream)
19. Ascending to the Shrine
20. The Golden Bells - ?Leave Your Coats On The Bed?
21. Easel?s Prayer
22. The Seaside
23. Credits

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