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标题: [推荐MV] 2009 BET Awards 黑人娱乐电视台音乐颁奖盛典 [RF/2.1GB] 480P [HDTV] [打印本页]

作者: suddenly    时间: 2009-7-5 15:55     标题: 2009 BET Awards 黑人娱乐电视台音乐颁奖盛典 [RF/2.1GB] 480P [HDTV]

2009年6月29日讯,洛杉矶,当地时间6月28日,2009年黑人娱乐电视台音乐颁奖盛典(BET Awards)举行。娱乐界和体育界的黑人巨星纷纷到场,星光熠熠。


Taking a New look at Jackson
Musical group New Edition pay tribute to Michael Jackson during the 2009 BET Awards held at the Shrine Auditorium on Sunday, June 28, in Los Angeles. New Edition were considered by some to be the Jackson 5 of the 1980s. They performed a medley of Jackson 5 hits.

碧昂斯(Beyonce)身披婚纱美轮美奂,浪漫献唱玉腿隐现性感迷人。主持人兼奥斯卡影帝杰米-福克斯(Jamie Foxx )红装亮相热舞带动现场气氛,还大玩作势摔倒的舞蹈动作,和他一起热舞的是一名模仿杰克逊的舞蹈演员。之后杰米福克斯又换上带有杰克逊头像的T恤,和史努比狗狗(Snoop Dogg )、Blink 182(眨眼182合唱团)前鼓手Travis Barker、说唱歌手T-Pain一同表演。New Edition 组合登台献唱,向去世的流行天王迈克尔-杰克逊致敬。 黑人歌手Ne-Yo、R&B女歌手凯莉-希尔森(Keri Hilson)、奎因·拉提法(Queen Latifah)、Soulja Boy 也纷纷登台献歌。

  来自俄亥俄州的O'Jays乐队获得终身成就奖(Lifetime Achievement Award),三位成员艾迪(Eddie Levert)、埃里克-格兰特(Eric Grant)、沃尔特-威廉姆斯(Walter Williams)登台领奖。

  艾丽西亚-凯斯(Alicia Keys)、美国歌手兼制作人Wyclef Jean同时获得人道主义奖( Humanitarian Award)。

  碧昂斯(Beyonce)获得最佳R&B女艺人奖(the Best Female R&B Artist),激动亲吻男嘉宾杰里米-皮文(Jeremy Piven)。

  Ne-Yo 获得最佳R&B男艺人奖(Best Male R&B Artist)。

  杰米-福克斯获得最佳合作歌手奖(the Best Collaboration award ),激动亲吻颁奖的女歌手Chaka Khan 。

  嘻哈天王里尔·韦恩(Lil Wayne)获得最佳Hip-Hop 男艺人奖(Best Male Hip-Hop Artist ),黑人主持人提拉·班克斯 (Tyra Banks) 颁奖。

  奥斯卡最佳女配角塔拉吉·P.·汉森(Taraji P. Henson)获得最佳女演员奖。

  R&B女歌手凯莉-希尔森(Keri Hilson)获得最佳新近艺人奖,《星际迷航》女星佐伊·桑塔纳(Zoe Saldana)为其颁奖。

  NBA球星勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)获最佳男运动员奖(Best Male Athlete)。

Release Information:

Name: 2009 BET Awards
Video: x264, avc-1, Level 4.1
Video bitrate: 1500 kbps
Audio: AC3, 192 kb/s, 2ch, 48000 Hz
Resolution: 528 x 480
Frame Rate: 30 fps
Source: Sa 3250 HD, 480p, 4.32 Mbit/s
Size: 2.11 GB
Runtime: 178 min

MeGUI command line

Job commandline: "H:\Mutimedia\x264.old.exe" --pass 1 --bitrate 1500 --stats "H:\ Encodes\bt3.stats" --level 4.1 --bframes 2 --weightb --deblock -2:-3 --subme 2 --partitions none --vbv-bufsize 50000 --vbv-maxrate 50000 --me dia --threads auto --thread-input --sar 1:1 --progress --output NUL "H:\Encodes\bt3.avs"

MeGUi Standard error stream log

[NoImage] Standard error stream
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[ 本帖最后由 ‘尛傑’ 于 2009-7-5 20:02 编辑 ]
作者: suddenly    时间: 2009-7-5 15:56




A sister gives thanks
Michael Jackson's sister, Janet, surprised the audience by making an onstage appearance as the show ended. She thanked her brother's fans for their support and love, and said that while the singer had been an icon to fans, "to us, he was family."

Here comes the bride 新娘来了
碧昂斯以兼具“性感和天使般”的打扮演唱了“圣母颂” ,美联社报道。碧昂斯当晚获得R &B最佳女歌手奖,她说: “这是为你,迈克尔杰克逊。我要感谢迈克尔,他是我的未来,是我心目中的英雄。 ”
Beyonce gave a "simultaneously sexy and angelic" performance of "Ave Maria," the Associated Press reported. Upon receiving the award for best female R&B artist, she said "This is for you, Michael Jackson. I have to thank Michael for being my future and my hero."

Remembering an idol 纪念一个偶像
Singer Ciara wore epaulets, one of Jackson's signature fashion choices. Backstage, she started to cry when she recalled talking on the phone with Jackson but never meeting him. "He meant so much to me," she said.

Reaching to heaven
The gospel duo Mary Mary performed "God in Me" with the help of singer Queen Latifah, center.

Love song
Singer Ne-Yo honored Jackson by singing "Lady in My Life," one of the performer's most sensual songs. "He's the man who made it possible for me to be on the stage," Ne-Yo said of Jackson, "I love you and I miss you."

The look of the '80s
Host Jamie Foxx delivered his opening monologue while wearing a red leather jacket and single glove, part of Jackson's iconic look.

Height of fame
Singers Keyshia Cole and Monica performed during the awards. Cole was nominated for best female R&B artist

Not so Lil smile
Tyra Banks presents the best male hip-hop artist award during the 2009 BET Awards held at the Shrine Auditorium on June 28 in Los Angeles. Lil Wayne took the honor.

A grateful group
After accepting his award, Lil Wayne said that all of the artists in the room owed thanks to Michael Jackson.

Blinged out
Soulja Boy wore his name around his neck while performing "Turn My Swag On" at the awards.

'Perfect' footwork
Jackson was known for his dancing, but singer Keri Hilson demonstrated some fancy footwork of her own at the awards. She dressed to honor Jackson, in sunglasses, sparkly socks, cropped pants and a leather jacket. Her album, "In a Perfect World," was released in March.

Thanks and prayers
NBA player LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers won the BET Award for best male athlete. "My heart and prayers go out to the whole Jackson family," James said. "What they did for us ... for the whole world, was amazing."

Jackson patriarch
Joe Jackson, second right in the black hat, the father of Michael Jackson, poses for a photograph with Rapper Won-G at the awards. "I just wish (Michael) could be here to celebrate himself," he said.

I see Taraji's back
Actress Taraji P. Henson, who starred opposite Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," said she once visited Neverland Ranch as a 10-year-old. She took home the award for best actress.

Keys to success
Alicia Keys was honored with this year's BET Humanitarian Award. She's involved with charity groups including Keep a Child Alive, which fights HIV/AIDS; Frum Tha Ground Up, a youth motivational group; and Teens in Motion, which helps teens in the South Bronx excel in performance.

Chrystina Sayers, left, Natalie Mejia, center, and Nichole Cordova of Girlicious arrive at the awards.

Fashion honor
Singer Estelle said she wanted to honor Jackson but wasn't sure how, until she decided to wear a single skintight white glove.

Color my world
Beyonce's colorful red-carpet dress was quite the opposite of the glam, sexy wedding dress and veil she would don onstage

Go West
Amber Rose and Kanye West arrive at the awards. West was nominated for video of the year for "Heartless" and for best male hip-hop artist.

Heart in hand
Fans display buttons honoring Michael Jackson while waiting in line for the awards.


[ 本帖最后由 suddenly 于 2009-7-5 16:10 编辑 ]
作者: lori    时间: 2009-7-5 17:26 ... _1_com_5145013_6488

作者: 寒啸酒全    时间: 2009-7-5 18:00

作者: lori    时间: 2009-7-5 18:13

作者: suddenly    时间: 2009-7-5 18:16

作者: 寒啸酒全    时间: 2009-7-5 18:42

作者: dearshunzi    时间: 2009-7-5 19:21

谁的马甲 谁的马甲 。。。。。。。。。。

作者: effi    时间: 2009-7-5 23:42

作者: key207    时间: 2009-7-6 02:27

作者: hzfmontella    时间: 2009-7-6 13:42

作者: play2die    时间: 2009-7-6 14:47

作者: Lee_Hom    时间: 2009-7-6 15:08

作者: nick4937    时间: 2009-7-6 19:05

作者: Y-girl    时间: 2009-7-6 21:00

作者: nanaju    时间: 2009-7-6 22:13

作者: 思颖    时间: 2009-7-7 16:02

作者: lc83690725    时间: 2009-7-7 16:40

作者: 翡翠    时间: 2009-7-7 21:10

作者: allenmoon    时间: 2009-7-8 03:00

作者: benlovingmusic    时间: 2009-7-8 16:35

找了很久  多谢!
作者: 471752310    时间: 2009-7-9 01:22

作者: EDdi.24    时间: 2009-7-9 14:30

这个 一定要看
作者: yl237    时间: 2009-7-10 10:49

我要看B 和KERI
作者: asonydl    时间: 2009-7-13 23:56

   喜欢 喜欢 来玩了
作者: NASNO    时间: 2009-7-14 21:30

作者: xxxooxxx    时间: 2009-7-15 02:31

作者: greecemilk    时间: 2009-7-18 14:25

好大啊  不知道能不能下的完。。。不过还是很期待的
作者: CHANGE90    时间: 2009-7-19 11:29

作者: jel3ly    时间: 2009-7-19 20:55

作者: skyla    时间: 2009-7-23 00:53     标题: 那2走 了 哈哈

作者: zx603    时间: 2009-9-22 13:23

作者: igottago    时间: 2009-9-23 15:42

顶顶~~~~ 收下~
作者: JCHZSN    时间: 2009-9-24 02:12

作者: lilufei00    时间: 2009-9-24 21:56

好东东 谢谢楼主···
作者: 盈盈麦    时间: 2009-9-25 21:21

作者: vivaandy    时间: 2009-9-25 21:43

作者: lv_miyako    时间: 2009-9-25 22:57

作者: 天佑吾赫!    时间: 2009-10-1 21:47

作者: shadyfull    时间: 2009-10-1 23:09

作者: a24857565    时间: 2009-10-2 09:04

作者: craigplan    时间: 2009-10-5 20:14     标题: bet每年都让人很期待

恩 bet年年的节目都有亮点
作者: spop    时间: 2009-10-9 22:14

作者: AyoStyle    时间: 2009-11-1 20:56

作者: peterwong    时间: 2009-11-2 11:00

作者: english    时间: 2009-11-2 11:41


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