Once Upon A Time In America Soundtrack
(Complete+Special Edition by Ennio Morricone)
Released: 1998/ 1984
中國大陸 美國往事
香港 義薄雲天
臺灣 四海兄弟
《義薄雲天》(Once Upon A Time In America,1984)由意大利導演沙治奧里昂尼(Sergio Leone)執導,由 Ennio Morricone 負責配樂。故事講述男主角麵條(Noodle,Robert De Niro 飾)一生挫折重重,總是因為自己的錯誤抉擇而遭到身邊重要的人背叛與遺棄。面對愛情,他總無法向深愛的黛博拉(Deborah,Elizabeth McGovern 飾)表達心意,使這段情無疾而終。在電影中,Ennio Morricone 為描述二人感情的情節,添加了兩首美麗絕倫的音樂,分別是《罌粟花》和《Deborah's Theme》。
Complete Score
1. Overture
2. Cockeye’s Theme Reflections
3. Return To fat Moe’s Place
4. Photographic Memories
5. Deborah & David’s Song
6. The Lower East Side A Gang Grows
7. Friends Part I
8. Eve
9. Friends Part II
10. Deborah’s Love The Kiss
11. Friends Part III
12. Bugsy Shoots Dominic
13. Noodles Imprisoned
14. The Tomb Momument
15. The Tomb Momument [alternate]
16. To Max’s Club
17. Reunion At The Club
18. Deborah & David’s Song Reprise
19. O’Donnell’s Gasoline Bath The Police Chief
20. Surprise Grand Dinner And Dance
21. Love Theme Leaving for Hollywood
22. The Federal Reserve Bank (Max’s Life Dream)
23. Eve’s Theme
24. Prohibition Party
25. Carol And Noodles Deborah Revisited
26. The Chinese Theater & End Credits
27. Friends Reprise
Special Edition
1. Once upon a Time in America
2. Poverty
3. Deborah’s Theme
4. Childhood Memories
5. Amapola
6. Friends
7. Prohibition Dirge
8. Cockeye’s Song
9. Amapola Part II
10. Childhood Poverty
11. Photographic Memories
12. Friends
13. Friendship & Love
14. Speakeasy
15. Deborah’s Theme – Amapola
16. Suite from Once upon a Time in America
17. Poverty [Temp Version]
18. Unused Theme
19. Unused Theme [Version 2]
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