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标题: [New & Fresh] Brendan James - The Fall [Single] (2010) [Pop/Rock] [打印本页]

作者: 酱油小子    时间: 2010-6-9 14:09     标题: [New & Fresh] Brendan James - The Fall [Single] (2010) [Pop/Rock]

Brendan James - The Fall [Single] (2010)
Artist: Brendan James
Title: The Fall - Single
Original Release Date: June 8, 2010
Release Date: June 8, 2010
Label: Decca Crossover
Copyright: (C) 2010 Decca Label Group
Genres: Pop/General
Quality: WEBRIP
Brendan James, 一位长居在美国纽约的年轻歌手兼歌曲创作人。2008年发行了广受好评的首张专辑《The Day Is Brave》之后, 深受音乐前辈Carly Simon, James Taylor等影响的Brendan James, 一直在进行全国巡演, 也在积极准备2010年新专辑的制作与发行。Brendan James刚刚于今年的本月八号发行了这首以钢琴弹奏为主旋律的全新情歌单曲"The Fall". 除了荡气回肠的钢琴弹奏主旋律之外, Brendan James深情的歌喉和感人至深的歌词也成为了这首新单曲值得称赞的亮点。 [酱油小子] [个人官网]
She is packing in slow motion the sun is coming up
I am sitting in the next room staring in my coffee cup
Now we are driving down the shoreline, this car is cut in two
I am quiet, she is humming, When the Stars Go Blue
And pulling up to JFK, there really isn't much to say

Don't tell me you'll write me, don't tell me you'll call
Just tell me you'll see me in the Fall
Don't give me a promise you know you'll never keep
Go and find it all and I'll see you in the Fall
Now I'm back at our apartment and nothing feels the same
Her coat is gone, her toothbrush is missing,
All the flowers start to fade
And September feels so far away
Let you fly away from me, fate will bring you back to me
And darling that's all we have
Don't write don't call I'll see you in the Fall
Don't write don't call I'll see you in the Fall
SINGLE下载: [WEBRIP/NORMAL/9.09M] [欢迎转载分享]

[ 本帖最后由 酱油小子 于 2010-6-9 20:03 编辑 ]
作者: 1234dahuamao    时间: 2010-6-9 15:59

作者: 896950197    时间: 2010-6-9 18:50

听前奏我吓到了  我还以为是SHE的安静了。。。。
作者: 糖罐子6993    时间: 2010-6-9 21:25

作者: 不想说不要问    时间: 2010-6-9 22:05

作者: sweetsasa    时间: 2010-6-10 17:15

不错!声音挺好~~~~see u in the fall~~~
作者: mmhh    时间: 2010-6-15 11:48

it is my tea!伴奏稍喧宾夺主
作者: 丹易月    时间: 2010-6-17 11:57


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