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标题: [求助] 知道Jimmy Needham 么? [打印本页]

作者: Mr.Pepsi    时间: 2010-6-7 23:10     标题: 知道Jimmy Needham 么?

知道Jimmy Needham 么?
听过他的 Nightlights  专辑么?
中间有一段 Nightlights  ,  是 自述
里面讲了 有关 基督教的 一些东西
但我有的地方听不懂    谁又歌词啊  ?
作者: Freelancer    时间: 2010-6-8 05:17

Be Thou exalted over my reputation
‘Cause applause is a poor form of soul medication
And I’ve tried it for years but my symptoms remain
Still fretting the day that they’ll misplace my name
Still selling my soul for American fame
Treating the promotion of Jesus like a well oiled machine
Advancing His kingdom just to snag some acclaim
Now, I’m both comforted and haunted that it isn’t just me though
I see a nation of people needing to feed their own egos
Parading status like steeples
Do we not know it’s evil to love ourselves more than both God and His people?
But see, here’s where you turn this poem on it’s head
‘Cause the greatest among us came as servant instead
And You humbled Yourself to the point of Your death
Apparently love for the Father’s glory runs red
So friends, will we point to the Son till our own flames grow dim?
Will our bright lights become merely nightlights near Him?
Words echo once, let them echo again
Be Thou exalted over my reputation
作者: Mr.Pepsi    时间: 2010-6-8 15:52

原帖由 Freelancer 于 2010-6-8 05:17 发表
Be Thou exalted over my reputation
‘Cause applause is a poor form of soul medication
And I’ve tried it for years but my symptoms remain
Still fretting the day that they’ll misplace my name

thank u soooooooo  much .   bro.

let's check it out



i like him

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