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标题: 『Time』一周摄影图片精选:December 28 - 31,2009 [打印本页]

作者: cAIa    时间: 2010-1-3 12:27     标题: 『Time』一周摄影图片精选:December 28 - 31,2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
熔岩从Mayon火山口喷薄而出,火山爆发导致约5万人流离失所。摄影师:Bullit Marque
Lava flowed from the crater of Mayon volcano in Legazpi, Philippines, Tuesday. About 50,000 have been evacuated to temporary housing since the volcano began erupting.

Wednesday,December 30,2009
一个小男孩举起伊朗已故精神领袖霍梅尼与现任精神领袖哈梅内伊的照片。摄影师:Morteza Nikoubazl
A young boy held a poster with pictures of Iran’s late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, right, and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during a protest by government supporters against the opposition Wednesday

Monday,December 28, 2009
积雪覆盖下的前苏联领导人列宁的塑像,当日气温零下22度,雅库茨克,俄罗斯。摄影师:Aexander Li
A monument to Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was covered in snow as temperatures dropped below minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit in Yakutsk, Russia, Monday.

Monday,December 28, 2009
已故歌手Billy Fury雕塑旁,一对情侣依偎在一起,利物浦,英国。摄影师:Christopher Furlong
A couple snuggled near a statueTuesday, December 29, 2009
熔岩从Mayon火山口喷薄而出,火山爆发导致约5万人流离失所。摄影师:Bullit Marque
Lava flowed from the crater of Mayon volcano in Legazpi, Philippines, Tuesday. About 50,000 have been evacuated to temporary housing since the volcano began erupting.

Wednesday,December 30,2009
一个小男孩举起伊朗已故精神领袖霍梅尼与现任精神领袖哈梅内伊的照片。摄影师:Morteza Nikoubazl
A young boy held a poster with pictures of Iran’s late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, right, and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during a protest by government supporters against the opposition Wednesday

Monday,December 28, 2009
积雪覆盖下的前苏联领导人列宁的塑像,当日气温零下22度,雅库茨克,俄罗斯。摄影师:Aexander Li
A monument to Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was covered in snow as temperatures dropped below minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit in Yakutsk, Russia, Monday.

Monday,December 28, 2009
已故歌手Billy Fury雕塑旁,一对情侣依偎在一起,利物浦,英国。摄影师:Christopher Furlong
A couple snuggled near a statue of the late singer Billy Fury in Liverpool, England, Monday.

Monday,December 28, 2009
一名男孩在玩耍时将一把玩具手枪指向自己嘴里,喀布尔,阿富汗。摄影师:Marko Djurica
A boy placed a toy gun in his mouth while playing with children on a Kabul, Afghanistan, street Monday.

Monday,December 28, 2009
在滑雪场上嬉耍的人们,瑞士。摄影师:Alessandro Della Bella
People skied at a resort in Arosa, Switzerland, Monday.

Thursday,December 31,2009
新年快乐!一对夫妇在悉尼港观看新年的烟花表演。摄影师:Daniel Munoz
A couple rang in 2010 by taking in a fireworks display over Sydney Harbour.
of the late singer Billy Fury in Liverpool, England, Monday.

Monday,December 28, 2009
一名男孩在玩耍时将一把玩具手枪指向自己嘴里,喀布尔,阿富汗。摄影师:Marko Djurica
A boy placed a toy gun in his mouth while playing with children on a Kabul, Afghanistan, street Monday.

Monday,December 28, 2009
在滑雪场上嬉耍的人们,瑞士。摄影师:Alessandro Della Bella
People skied at a resort in Arosa, Switzerland, Monday.

Thursday,December 31,2009
新年快乐!一对夫妇在悉尼港观看新年的烟花表演。摄影师:Daniel Munoz
A couple rang in 2010 by taking in a fireworks display over Sydney Harbour.

作者: berzon    时间: 2010-1-4 04:14

作者: feichang    时间: 2010-1-4 09:18


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