korean_panda 于 2009-11-28 19:02 发表

lol,你也看'urasiansource'。。。。听说又要被youtube给ban了...T___T (MV 我早都看了;])
exam成绩还没出来呢~~今天我发工资 ^____^ (work is tirding tho.....T___T)
上班太忙了...连版都 ...
haha,我没看urasiansource的,its just anyhow search in youtube and find 1 to watch only
and not a hardcore jiyeon fan also, lol, just find her very very kawaii, thats all. 我也是从魂 the korean drama “soul” 才开始注意她的,but only until now then I know she is from this girl group "T-ara" LOL