Monday,November 09,2009
一名女子从公园中走过,保加利亚。摄影师:Dimitar Dilkoff
A woman walked through a park Monday in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Monday,November 09,2009
美国小姐Lisa-Marie Kohrs在接受电视台记者访问,伦敦。摄影师:Adrian Dennis
Miss USA, Lisa-Marie Kohrs, talked to television journalists in London Monday.

Tuesday,November 10,2009
一名孩童走入Teluk Meranti的一间清真寺,印度尼西亚。摄影师:Beawiharta
A child walked into a mosque in Teluk Meranti, Indonesia, Tuesday.

Thursday,November 12,2009
一名小女孩在她目前的假肢旁玩耍,喀布尔,阿富汗。摄影师:Jerry Lampen
A girl played next to her mother’s artificial leg at the ICRC Ali Abad Orthopaedic Centre in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday.

美国德州St. Stephen’s Episcopal教堂的神父Vernon Gotcher。摄影师:Matt Nager

Thursday,November 12,2009
明治天皇加冕20周年庆祝活动中,成千上万日本东京市民挥舞着日本国旗,举着灯笼,等待明治天皇与皇后美智子公开露面。摄影师:Shuji Kajiyama
Tens of thousands of people waved Japanese flags and lanterns as Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko made a public appearance at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo Thursday to mark the 20th anniversary of the emperor’s coronation.

Wednesday,Nevember 11,2009
Ice formed on a bus after snowfall in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, China, Wednesday. Thousands of vehicles have been stranded on roads. State media reported Chinese scientists caused the snow.