Thursday, Oct 22,2009
一名僧侣笑着抱起朋友的小孩,青海,中国。摄影师:Jason Lee
A monk held his friend’s child at Lower Wutun Monastery in Tongren, Qinghai province, China, Thursday.

Wednesday,Oct 21,2009
一名工人在农场里采摘越桔,魁北克,加拿大。摄影师:Mathieu Belanger
A worker harvested cranberries at the Atoka farm in Manseau, Quebec, Canada, Wednesday.

Monday,Oct 19,2009 帕加尼拘留中心的非法移民抓着围栏向外张望,这座设计容纳250人的拘留中心内人口已达到800人。摄影师:John Kolesidis Immigrants grasped a fence during unrest at the Pagani Detention Centre on the island of Lesvos, Greece, Monday. About 800 people live at the facility, which was designed to hold about 250 people.

Tuesday,Oct 20,2009
俄罗斯总统Dmitry Medvedev的头像出现在士兵列队的背景海报上,塞尔维亚。俄罗斯承诺向塞尔维亚提供10亿美元经济援助。摄影师:Andrej Isakovic
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, seen on a poster behind soldiers in Belgrade, Serbia, Tuesday

Monday,Oct 19,2009
一名美军阵亡士兵的遗孀前往爱灵顿公墓吊唁,她的丈夫今年4月阵亡于伊拉克。摄影师:Win MNcamee
Sheryl McIlvaine, the widow of USMC Sgt. James McIlvaine, visited his grave at Arlington.