标题: [专辑] 钢琴大家Jim Brickman 集
种子 (luna)
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UID 122591
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钢琴大家Jim Brickman 集

My Romance[2000]


    Jim Brickman (born November 20, 1961) is an American composer and pianist. Brickman is known for his solo piano compositions, which are classified as new age music. However, he is as well known for his original love songs and performing them with vocalists such as Martina McBride, Michael W. Smith, Michelle Wright and others.


01. Glory
02. Rocket to the Moon
03. Lake Erie Rainfall
04. Picture This
05. Love of My Life
06. Freedom
07. Edgewater
08. Valentine
09. Change of Heart
10. Circles
11. The Love I Found in You
12. Partners in Crime
13. By Heart
14. Starbright


**** 本内容积分高于 20 才可浏览 ****

[ 本帖最后由 种子 于 2008-9-13 21:39 编辑 ]

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种子 (luna)
Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

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UID 122591
精华 2
积分 18065
帖子 5224
音乐魅力 8438 点
现金 4401 音乐币
阅读权限 180
注册 2008-2-15
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发表于 2008-9-12 15:28  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
钢琴大家Jim Brickman - Escape[2006]


       于1961年11月20日出生在美国俄亥俄的Jim Brickman,童年时代就已接触音乐,且听过不少六十年代初的儿歌,及至10岁,他终于拥有生平第一部钢琴,并藉此大展其音乐才华。19岁在克利夫兰音乐学院就读时,Jim Brickman 就已期待研究主流音乐,尽管当时校园的风尚是古典乐。  
   做一名商业作曲家是Jim Brickman 的梦想,当他把本身创作的乐曲录音带寄到纽约顶尖的广告公司时,他即成为金·汉森和汉森协会的重要委托人,并为儿童电视节目制作音乐。同时,Jim Brickman 与汉森协会亦为迪士尼的电视与电影音乐工作效劳。  
      除了弹奏钢琴,Jim Brickman 还是一位知名的作曲家和演员,现为 Brickman 系列工作室的负责人。他也曾替七喜、新力、麦当劳、耐克、露华浓和 AT&T 等企业创作过广告音乐。   
   除了在广播音乐方面的成就,Jim Brickman 还获得了许多音乐奖项,包括休斯顿国际电影节大奖、伦敦国际电影奖、克雷奥斯奖、泰利斯奖和安迪奖,他还为一些著名的卡通片作曲,如《布兰特船长》、《希望孩子》等等。   
     Jim Brickman 工作室主要为广播、电影及电视的原创音乐服务,秉持着对音乐的崇高理念和一份敏感的市场感觉,他的名字在世界不胫而走,更被PBS赞扬为“全美最棒、最浪漫的作曲家、钢琴家及演奏家”。  
     虽然接受的是学院派的古典音乐训练,然而九四年正式向流行乐坛进军的Jim Brickman却以Frank Sinatra、Henry Mancini等前辈为标竿,用融合了永恒之美的古典音符与浪漫醉人的旋律,为当代的新世纪与成人抒情乐界注入了鲜明的活力。在『By Heart』、『The Gift』等金唱片与冠军专辑《Picture This》、《Simple Things》的畅销光环下,他仍秉持著丰沛的创造力往未知领域探索,如今在钢琴家与作曲家的头衔之外,他还兼具歌手、电台节目主持人甚至作家等多重身份,令人不得不对他多面相的天赋才华感到欣羡与赞叹。  
     Jim Brickman是新世纪乐坛最具有魅力的钢琴演奏者,又是美国成人抒情榜前十名的实力派作曲兼钢琴家,更是一位融合永恒之美的古典音符与浪漫醉人旋律的全方位“钢琴诗人”!他有着精湛、不落俗套的演奏技巧和作曲才华,外型十分俊秀,在舞台上充满着优雅和诙谐兼具的台风,拥有令人难以抗拒的魅力。  
     尽管受到的是最为正规的传统音乐教育,钢琴家Jim Brickman却一直倾心于商业化的流行音乐,用自己的方式成为了乐坛耀眼的明星,并被称为90年代最令人瞩目的传奇   
     jim Brickman可谓是一个商业上极为成功的音乐家,他为可口可乐所做的广告曲唱遍了全球,而作为独一无二的浪漫主义作曲家兼钢琴家,他的钢琴弹奏曲独具绅士风味,其温和的旋律和值得回味的合唱使每一首曲子都极具抒情意味。


01. Waterfall
02. Escape (featuring Marc Antoine)
03. Paradise
04. Barcelona
05. Never Alone (featuring Sara Evans)
06. Awakening
07. Winter Waltz (featuring David Klinkenberg)
08. Big Sky
09. When It Snows (featuring Geoff Byrd)
10. Timeless
11. First Light
12. My Angel (featuring Gerald Levert)


**** 本内容积分高于 20 才可浏览 ****

[ 本帖最后由 种子 于 2008-9-13 21:51 编辑 ]

sheena (de witch)
Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10
otherworldly journey

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发表于 2008-9-12 15:44  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 

种子 (luna)
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UID 122591
精华 2
积分 18065
帖子 5224
音乐魅力 8438 点
现金 4401 音乐币
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发表于 2008-9-12 15:44  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
钢琴大家Jim Brickman - Greatest Hits[2004]


         作Newage最重要的作曲家及钢琴家之一,Jim Brickman 金布来克曼的钢琴音乐自有其独特之处。 听他的琴声,你会感受到如水般的魅惑,他的琴音,轻爽而柔软,仿佛,来自内心最深处的那种柔媚,可以让所有的聆听者都为之微笑,呵,让人心神俱醉的钢琴哪~~
也许,在刚开始听的时候,你会觉得他的钢琴怎么和凯文、和雅尼有一些相像,但听久了,你会自然地分辨出,金和他们的不同来。。。 若说凯文是绿色的精灵,那么金就是清灵的水,而雅尼,则是狂野的风~~


01. Angel Eyes (2:33)
02. Valentine (featuring Martina McBride) (3:16)
03. Rocket To The Moon (2:33)
04. Love Of My Life (featuring Michael W. Smith) (4:03)
05. If You Believe (3:03)
06. By Heart (featuring Laura Creamer) (3:48)
07. Destiny (featuring Jordan Hill & Billy Porter) (3:49)
08. Hero's Dream (2:35)
09. Partners In Crime (featuring Dave Koz) (3:05)
10. The Gift (featuring Collin Raye & Susan Ashton) (3:46)
11. Simple Things (featuring Rebecca Lynn Howard) (3:32)
12. 'Til I See You Again (featuring Mark Schultz) (3:26)
13. My Love Is Here (featuring Roch Voisine) (3:42)


**** 本内容积分高于 20 才可浏览 ****

种子 (luna)
Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

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UID 122591
精华 2
积分 18065
帖子 5224
音乐魅力 8438 点
现金 4401 音乐币
阅读权限 180
注册 2008-2-15
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发表于 2008-9-12 15:54  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
钢琴大家Jim Brickman - Homecoming (2007)


              Homecoming, pianist Jim Brickman's 16th career release (his third with a holiday theme, joining The Gift and Peace), is an unerringly pleasant, gently uplifting package that delivers what most listeners probably want--a smart-sounding, family-friendly audio backdrop suited for any December gathering. Brickman's mix of nine instrumentals and four vocal tracks (seven are rearranged traditional works) carefully straddles a fine line between sophistication and sentimentality. Happily, other than a few heavily star-dusted moments (the final note of "I Saw Three Ships" sparkles as though it was touched by Tinkerbell's wand), the schmaltz factor is acceptably modest. More demanding Brickman listeners will probably wish he had dug deeper into the richer emotional terrain he visits on "Thanksgiving," the disc's opening track, and his ruminating interpretation of "Still Nacht." But holiday discs are audience-builders, so we instead get a double dose of former Lonestar vocalist Richie McDonald (with two nearly identical versions of "Coming Home for Christmas," an eyes-to-the-sky heart-clutcher), and the late Gerald Levert crooning a holiday version of "My Angel," a parent-to-child love song that originally appeared on Brickman's Escape disc. Not a flawless release, but definitely a cut above most easy-listening holiday fare.


1. Thanksgiving
2. Good King Wenceslas
3. Coming Home for Christmas - Jim Brickman, Richie McDonald
4. Gathering
5. Deck the Halls
6. Joy - Jim Brickman, David Klinkenberg
7. I Heard the Bells of Christmas Day - Jim Brickman, Anne Cochran, , Peter White
8. Still Nacht
9. I Saw Three Ships
10. Bethlehem
11. My Angel (Christmas) - Jim Brickman, Gerald LeVert
12. Auld Lang Zyne
13. Coming Home for Christmas (Bonus Mix)-Jim Brickman, Richie McDonald


**** 本内容积分高于 20 才可浏览 ****

[ 本帖最后由 种子 于 2008-9-13 21:49 编辑 ]

种子 (luna)
Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

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UID 122591
精华 2
积分 18065
帖子 5224
音乐魅力 8438 点
现金 4401 音乐币
阅读权限 180
注册 2008-2-15
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发表于 2008-9-12 16:04  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
钢琴大家Jim Brickman - Valentine[2008]


Artist: Jim Brickman
Title Of Album: Valentine
Year Of Release: 2008
Label: Savoy Jazz
Genre: Adult contemporary | New Age | Instrumental
Bitrate: 179 kbps
Total Time: ~45 min

      If Jim Brickman is to Valentine's Day as Mannheim Steamroller is to Christmas, then Valentine is Brickman to a tee. Featuring the chart-toping pianist at his most romantic and reflective, the album also includes guest performances by vocalists Tara MacLean ("You") and Tom Douglas ("Love of My Life"). This 2008 reissue contains a new instrumental version of the title track and two bonus songs: "Never Alone" (with Lady Antebellum) and "Destiny" (with Jaci Velasquez).


01 Valentine (Instrumental)
02 To Hear You Say You Love Me (feat. Jake Simpson)
03 Escape
04 Sundown
05 Reflection
06 You (Feat. Tara Maclean)
07 Open
08 Brazil Sunset
09 Sacred Moment
10 Love Of My Life (feat. Tom Douglas)
11 Never Alone (feat. Lady Antebellum)
12 Destiny (feat. Jaci Valesquez)


**** 本内容积分高于 20 才可浏览 ****

[ 本帖最后由 种子 于 2008-9-13 21:48 编辑 ]

种子 (luna)
Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

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UID 122591
精华 2
积分 18065
帖子 5224
音乐魅力 8438 点
现金 4401 音乐币
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发表于 2008-9-12 16:12  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
钢琴大家Jim Brickman - Peace[2003]


        Peace, Jim Brickman’s second collection of holiday-themed music, is largely a mirror image of his first (The Gift, released in 1997). Both feature a mix of solo piano works, augmented piano selections (involving oboe, strings, synthesizers, a pop-jazz ensemble, or some combination thereof) and glossy, radio-ready pop vocal productions. To some ears, the polished sheen of the vocal tracks (four are included) may infringe on the more contemplative mood of Brickman’s instrumental tracks, the way a city’s after-dark glow can seep into your view of a deep night sky’s canopy of stars. Still, as with The Gift, Peace is an attractive mood-setter for the season. Brickman’s best arrangements will resonate with a listener’s introspective sensibilities. "Jingle Bells," "Away in a Manger," and "We Three Kings," for instance, all receive slow-building, reflective treatments that might prod you into pondering deeper meanings. A pair of nonholiday originals, "Early Snowfall" and "Blessings," achieve the same heart-nudging effect. As for the vocals, The Blind Boys of Alabama reinforce the finger-snapping, muted-trumpet, ‘40s-swing vibe of "Let It Snow;" Kristy Starling takes a sweetly romantic turn on "Sending You a Little Christmas;" and country’s Collin Raye (also featured on The Gift) earnestly conveys the clear-eyed optimism of the title track.


01. We Three Kings [0:03:42.34]
02. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing [0:02:42.48]
03. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! [0:02:45.31]
04. Early Snowfall [0:03:04.41]
05. Do You Hear What I Hear? [0:04:05.00]
06. Away In A Manger [0:03:45.04]
07. Rejoice (o Come, O Come Emmanuel) [0:03:59.55]
08. O Holy Night [0:03:29.18]
09. Jingle Bells [0:03:40.60]
10. God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman [0:04:21.34]
11. Sending You A Little Christmas [0:04:05.55]
12. Blessings [0:02:28.38]
13. Peace (where The Heart Is) [0:04:05.36]
14. O Came All Ye Faithfull [0:03:27.46]
15. Silent Night [0:02:59.58]


**** 本内容积分高于 20 才可浏览 ****

[ 本帖最后由 种子 于 2008-9-13 21:47 编辑 ]

种子 (luna)
Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

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UID 122591
精华 2
积分 18065
帖子 5224
音乐魅力 8438 点
现金 4401 音乐币
阅读权限 180
注册 2008-2-15
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发表于 2008-9-12 16:35  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
钢琴大家Jim Brickman -- Hope[2008]


      The Brickman solo piano style you love can be heard on his newest instrumental CD Hope. The popular Target exclusive is now available online with three new songs. Hope brings Jim’s favorite inspirational themes to life in this 12 track CD.


01 Winter Morning
02 Sundown
03 Distant Rain
04 Daydream
05 Open
06 Inspiration
07 Reflections
08 The Day We Met
09 Sunrise
10 Comtemplation
11 Beautiful World
12 Journey


**** 本内容积分高于 20 才可浏览 ****

[ 本帖最后由 种子 于 2008-9-13 21:46 编辑 ]


发表于 2008-9-12 21:42 
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支持啊,种子今天发了不少帖呢,量很大啊,另外我觉得rayfile(fs2you)一直都不是很快,装了他的软件也速度也很一般,在家里adsl 1MB 才九十几KB,而且有时还下不了,在学校教育网就更别说了,所以我觉得大家可以换换别的网盘,自己的一点意见

[ 本帖最后由 rockh 于 2008-9-12 22:37 编辑 ]

种子 (luna)
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UID 122591
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回复 #3 kokoweb 的帖子


sheena (de witch)
Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10
otherworldly journey

荣誉勋章   至爱音乐荣誉会员  
UID 116042
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种子 (luna)
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UID 122591
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种子辛苦啦,累不?对了,送你很多很多“立得胖”吧~~~  嘿嘿 ^^
喜欢穿洁白洁白衬衣的大男孩  ——怪不得 Jim 的指尖下,流淌出如许柔美的乐韵。。

In my mind, I'm elsewhere。
种子 (luna)
Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

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UID 122591
精华 2
积分 18065
帖子 5224
音乐魅力 8438 点
现金 4401 音乐币
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发表于 2008-9-13 13:53  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
钢琴大家Jim.Brickman -- Pure[2006]


             于1961年11月20日出生在美国俄亥俄的Jim Brickman,童年时代就已接触音乐,且听过不少六十年代初的儿歌,及至10岁,他终于拥有生平第一部钢琴,并藉此大展其音乐才华。19岁在克利夫兰音乐学院就读时,Jim Brickman 就已期待研究主流音乐,尽管当时校园的风尚是古典乐。


1. If You Believe  
2. Journey  
3. Amazing Grace- featuring Ginny Owens  
4. All I Ever Wanted  
5. Crossroads  
6. You Never Know- featuring Boney James  
7. By Chance  
8. Angel Eyes  
9. Bittersweet  
10. Dream Come True  
11. Joyful  
12. Picture This  
13. By Heart- featuring Laura Creamer  
14. Shades of White  
15. Another Tuesday Morning  
16. Devotion  
17. Glory- featuring David Benoit  
18. We Exalt Thee  


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[ 本帖最后由 种子 于 2008-9-13 21:44 编辑 ]

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音乐大家Jim Brickman - By Heart[1995]


                 Brickman发行的这样“铭心”专辑,充满了平和安宁的旋律,唤起了人们浪漫的幻想和内心的感情。他把自己定位为一个流行音乐作曲家,把钢琴为基础的乐器演奏的音乐比作是一副油画,在这副充满浪漫渴望的声音的图画里他实现了与主流听众们的交流和沟通。区别于其他乐曲运用弦和敲打的特点,该专辑第10首“On the Edge”则是与大提琴手Martin Tillman的二重奏。这张专辑是由主题乐曲“By Heart”收尾的,“By Heart”一曲,由于令人激动的歌唱家Laura Creamer(以与Bruce和Hornsby合作的作品著名)的参与演唱,显得尤为显著与突出。


01.Angel Eyes [2:33]
02.Lake Erie Rainfall [5:07]
03.Looking Back [3:11]
04.In A Lover's Eyes [3:21]
05.Nothing Left To Say [3:57]
06.Little Star [3:57]
07.Sudden Inspiration [3:37]
08.Where Are You Now? [3:49]
09.If You Believe [2:51]
10.On The Edge [5:06]
11.All I Ever Wanted [4:08]
12.By Heart [4:06]


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[ 本帖最后由 种子 于 2008-9-13 21:45 编辑 ]

种子 (luna)
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UID 122591
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发表于 2008-9-13 20:58  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
钢琴大家Jim Brickman --Destiny[1999]


                      Destiny offers evidence that Jim Brickman has acquired a serious interest in redefining his position on the pop-music spectrum. The lone vocal selection "Valentine"--sung by Martina McBride--that adorned his breakthrough Picture This received a warm embrace from soft-pop radio formats and no doubt encouraged Brickman to include more vocal tracks--five, in fact--on Destiny, along with nine instrumental compositions. Such efforts (plus a nine-panel CD insert that unfolds to reveal a pinup poster of Brickman's strong-jawed mug) seek to certify Brickman as a master of the romantic pop ballad, a status he already enjoys for his expressive piano works. He succeeds on nearly all flanks. Two vocal selections, "Love of My Life" (featuring Christian crooner Michael W. Smith) and the title track (with a soulful duet by Jordan Hill and Billy Porter), will likely become heart-tugging slow-dance standards at wedding receptions for decades to come. The concluding "What We Believe In," with Pam Tillis, retraces the love-struck path McBride covered in "Valentine." Carly Simon and Herb Alpert also make appearances. What seem to suffer a bit are the piano pieces. Though good, some works contain a few too many notes and just miss the unwavering beauty of the instrumentals found on Picture This. This is a minor complaint, though, and the solo piece "Crossroads" is a pure gem. Hopeless romantics everywhere, behold your Destiny. [amazon]


1. Part of My Heart
2. Bittersweet
3. Meant to Be
4. Rendezvous performed by Brickman / Herb Alpert
5. Hush Li'l Baby performed by Brickman / Carly Simon
6. Crooked River
7. Crossroads
8. Love of My Life performed by Brickman / Smith, Michael W.
9. Freedom
10. By Chance
11. Remembrance
12. Your Love performed by Brickman / Michelle Wright
13. Destiny performed by Brickman / Jordan Hill / Billy Porter
Bonus track:
14. What We Believe In


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