The Crossing & Donald Nally – Born
Released: 2022
Genre: Classical

01. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Gilbertson: Born (09:44)
02. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: I. Prelude. These Birds (02:22)
03. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: II. Eyewitness. Henry David Thoreau and the Passenger Pigeon (01:40)
04. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: III. The Naming (00:15)
05. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: IV. Passenger Pigeon (06:40)
06. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: V. Eyewitness. Gert Goebel and the Paroquets (01:43)
07. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: VI. The Naming (00:17)
08. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: VII. Carolina Parakeet (03:27)
09. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: VIII. Eyewitness. Lucien M. Turner and the Migration of the Curlews (03:50)
10. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: IX. The Naming (00:19)
11. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: X. Eskimo Curlew (03:54)
12. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: XI. Eyewitness. Mr. Wilson and the Ivory-Bill (02:06)
13. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: XII. The Naming (00:19)
14. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Hill: Spectral Spirits: XIII. Ivory-Billed Woodpecker (05:11)
15. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Gilbertson: Returning, Pt. 1: What Knits Us (09:32)
16. The Crossing & Donald Nally – Gilbertson: Returning, Pt. 2: I Thought of Staying Quiet (09:23)
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