Anne Dudley - The Hustle/圓美大盜
Released: 2019.05.03
中國大陸 偷心女盜
香港 圓美大盜
臺灣 詐騙女神
「環球影業」榮譽發行,爆笑喜劇《圓美大盜》(THE HUSTLE),由《孤星淚》金像獎最佳女配角、《蝙蝠俠:夜神起義》絕色女神安妮夏菲維,夥拍《完美巨聲幫》系列圓潤笑彈莉寶韋遜,組成糅合高招與低俗的老千絲打幫,明呃明搶,暴風CUP絕招,騙盡天下老襯嬴得世間財富!
01. The Hustle
02. The Mark
03. Full Moon Tonight
04. A Kebab of Lies
05. A Likeability Contest
06. The Paris Train
07. Place Your Bets
08. The Apprentice
09. Lord of the Rings
10. One Hell of a Team
11. Bicycle Therapy
12. You're Not a Stranger
13. Playground of the Rich and Famous
14. Not Nice Women
15. Superglue
16. Princess Hortense
17. She's Ready
18. Triple Cheeseburger and Filet Mignon
19. Calling Interpol
20. Au Revoir
21. Doctor Frederika
22. A Beautiful Friendship
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