Wychazel - Cloud Forest Temple
Released: 2018.06.01
Genre: Newage
Website: http://www.wychazel.net/
CD Review: http://medwyngoodallmusic.co.uk/ ... st-temple-wychazel/
Listen: https://wychazel.net/album/1332427/cloud-forest-temple
Continuous music with no silent pauses between tracks. Ideal for relaxation and visualization. Exotic tropical sounds and evolving musical themes invite you to take a journey of the imagination into an enticing world of ancient mystery and beauty.Featuring Guitars, Dulcimer, Kiowa Flute, Marimba, Frame Drums, hand-percussion & rattles, Synths & Samples and exotic natural sounds.
1. Cloudforest Trail
2. Pillars in the Mist
3. In the Presence of Beauty
4. Secrets in Stone
5. Ancient Wisdom
6. A World Washed Clean
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