也许你早就听过这首,来自我比较钟爱的爵士蓝调歌手Bobby McFerrin的《Don't Worry Be Happy》,歌曲轻松惬意,博比以一种长辈(maybe friend~)的语调告诉我们:生活中我们总会遇到一些不可预知的麻烦,如果你只是去担心的话,那会令自己陷入更加尴尬麻烦的境地,So、要积极乐观哦~

Don't Worry, Be Happy
Here is a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don't worry be happy In every life we have some trouble When you worry you make it double Don't worry, be happy......
Ain't got no place to lay your head Somebody came and took your bed Don't worry, be happy The land lord say your rent is late He may have to litigate Don't worry, be happy Look at me I am happy Don't worry, be happy Here I give you my phone number When you worry call me I make you happy Don't worry, be happy Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style Ain't got not girl to make you smile But don't worry be happy Cause when you worry Your face will frown And that will bring everybody down So don't worry, be happy (now).....
There is this little song I wrote I hope you learn it note for note Like good little children Don't worry, be happy Listen to what I say In your life expect some trouble But when you worry You make it double Don't worry, be happy...... Don't worry don't do it, be happy Put a smile on your face Don't bring everybody down like this Don't worry, it will soon past Whatever it is Don't worry, be happy
