John Paesano - Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Released: 2024.05.10
中國大陸 猩球崛起:新世界
香港 猿人爭霸戰:猩凶帝國
臺灣 猩球崛起:王國誕生
在凱撒統治後的未來,猿人已成為優越物種,但人類卻倒退到原始狀態,每天都活在陰影之中。一位新的猿人領袖彼沙墨士凱撒 (Proximus Caesar)上場,這位暴君欲建立他的帝國,同時奴役其他部落及搜捕人類。年輕的猩猩諾亞Noa(奧雲提格 飾)質疑彼沙墨士凱撒的做法,認定猿人與人類可以和平共存並且變得更強大,因此諾亞與人類的新希望美兒Mae(菲雅艾倫 飾)一同踏上旅程,並將會左右猿類和人類的未來!

01. Discovery (6:32)
02. The Climb (3:02)
03. Maybe Echo (2:11)
04. Eagle Clan (3:53)
05. We Have Good Rain (2:05)
06. Broken (2:48)
07. Marauders in the Mist (3:46)
08. For Caesar (4:28)
09. Noa’s Purpose (4:13)
10. The Valley Beyond (1:45)
11. I Am Raka (5:22)
12. Memories of Home (3:51)
13. Caesar’s Compassion (2:08)
14. She Is Different (3:04)
15. They Are Like You (3:35)
16. Human Hunt (4:45)
17. New Weapon (5:16)
18. A Kingdom for Apes (3:42)
19. What a Wonderful Day (3:30)
20. Apes Will Learn, I Will Learn (3:50)
21. Together Strong (3:11)
22. Very Clever Apes (7:58)
23. Simian Summit (3:32)
24. A Past Discovered (5:45)
25. Cannot Trust a Human (5:22)
26. Ape Aquatics (3:58)
27. It Was Ours (4:41)
28. We Will Rebuild (4:04)
29. A New Age (2:09)
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