Jennifer Jolley - Stolen Realm Original Soundtrack (feat. Mat Campbell)
Released: 2024.03.08
由Burst2Flame Entertainment 開發、並自 2021 年 10 月起在 Steam 推出搶先體驗遊戲的《Stolen Realm 失落王國》,宣布將自 2024年3月8日起在 PC/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch 正式推出上市。《Stolen Realm 失落王國》為一款採用俯瞰視點,讓玩家針對各單位下達指令的回合制戰鬥 SRPG 遊戲。

01. The Stolen Realm (1:44)
02. Gigue (2:51)
03. Forest Fray (2:48)
04. Freewind Forest (3:40)
05. Forgotten Mines Melee (2:14)
06. Descent into the Forgotten (4:56)
07. In the Hall of the Mountain Class (2:42)
08. The Biggest Little Hall in the World (4:39)
09. The Badlands (2:49)
10. Wymrest Wasteland (2:48)
11. Desert Duel (2:37)
12. Temple Tussle (3:41)
13. Water Temple Ruins (2:27)
14. Frostwrought Fantasy (2:53)
15. Frostwrought Mountain (2:11)
16. Mountain Crusade (2:04)
17. Jungle Scuffle (2:55)
18. Emerald Jungle (3:17)
19. Sunken Swamp (4:13)
20. Swamp Skirmish (3:31)
21. Castle Gloom (2:05)
22. Storm the Castle (2:47)
23. Cinder City (3:52)
24. Embattled Engagement (2:55)
25. Emberlands (2:31)
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mp3/ 320kb/ 170mb/ CT
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