Andrea Datzman - Inside Out 2
(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Released: 2024.06.14
中國大陸 頭腦特工隊2
香港 玩轉腦朋友2
臺灣 腦筋急轉彎2
韋莉轉眼已踏入13歲,一班「腦朋友」——阿樂、阿愁、阿驚、阿燥、阿憎將「大腦總部」打理得井井有條,一切運作順利。豈料大腦總部有日突然響起警號,一大隊清拆隊全面進場,將大腦總部拆改得面目全非。原來一切只為騰出空間,迎接全新登場的腦朋友——阿焦 (Anxiety)!

01. Outside Intro
02. Go Team!
03. The Life of Riley
04. Thread the Needle
05. Riley Protection System
06. Creating a Sense of Self
07. Demo Day
08. Ride and Prejudice
09. Anxious to Meet You
10. Seeking Val-idation
11. Sending Out an S.o.S
12. Bloofy & Co
13. Flight for Fighting
14. Fawn of a New Day
15. Return to Imagination Land
16. To Project and Disserve
17. What's the Big Idea_
18. Red Hairing
19. Recovering a Sense of Self
20. Joyless
21. The Puck Drops Here
22. A Mind at Freeze
23. Growing Up Is Hard to Do
24. Glide and Joy
25. Every Messy, Beautiful Part of Her
26. Inside Outro
27. Done Track Mind
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