Diana Vickers’ debut album Songs From The Tainted Cherry Tree is the result of over a year’s worth of work for Diana with an amazing array of co-writers and producers. The list of collaborators is as impressive as it is surprising, with Ellie Goulding, Lightspeed Champion, Nerina Pallot, Starsmith, Guy Sigsworth and Cathy Dennis all helping to give the record its mature shape. But it’s Diana herself who keeps it box-fresh youthful. Her work with Hackney digi-folk troubadour Lightspeed Champion on “Me and You” has produced probably the straightest pop song on the record, ironically with her most unusual collaboration. Ellie Goulding’s co-write “Remake Me and You” meanwhile, is the strangest cut on the record – a jittery stop-start electro boogie that lodges itself straight in the head. The lead single is Cathy Dennis and Eg White’s “Once”, which from the original demo has been re-arranged to Diana’s bespoke measurements and builds to a gob-stopping crescendo in the first minute.

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上周UK榜单的冠军女王,不过她的那首冠军曲“Once",我觉得just so so!今天R胸把<<Songs from the Tainted Cherry Tree>>这专发布了,我就第一时间先听为快了,整专好听的歌曲不少,但我个人最喜欢这首Four Leaf Clover。许多人说她的嗓音堪比王菲,我觉得也是。不过王菲的沙哑不及Diana Vickers。大爱此歌,特别推荐!
